New: Limestone Flower

As of 1 January 2022, Nifraco will have a new product line in its range; ultra-fine ground lime, originating from the Dutch drinking water companies, both GMP+ and FSSC22000.
The Netherlands is able to produce drinkingwater with the highest quality compared to the rest of the world. Lime is extracted from the drinking water and converted into lime granules. Nifraco and Van Zutven Feed Processing trade and process the granules as wel as the milled lime products.
The big difference with the current quarry lime in the market is the circularity. Lime from a limestone quarry is considered a fossil source, in stead of lime from drinking water, that is concidered circular. The processing of the granules at Van Zutven can also be called very sustainable; these are processed using solar energy. In addition, the transport kilometers are drastically reduced by processing Dutch lime in the Netherlands, instead of collecting lime from Germany, France and Italy.
Interested in Nifraco lime? Leave a message under “Contact”.